29 November 2007

There are going to be a lot of drunk people on NYE . . .

After talking with Nick at Deano's yesterday, I can tell you the draft line-up for our New Year's Eve Party - and I think a lot of you will be interested.

In Keg #1, we have the HBG special request - Three Floyd's Alpha Klaus.

In Keg #2, we will have something from Larry Bell - either Two-Hearted or Hopslam.

In Keg #3, direct from Belgium, Delirium Tremens.

Deano's will be serving dinner, too, so come eat some grub and get drunk with us. Or go eat elsewhere, then come get drunk with us. Chef Jody is planning to have some late-night sobering-up food out for consumption, too. They're also more than happy to call you a cab.


  1. That is a heck of a nice line up for that night. Talking about that cask of Bell's on Friday I really want some cask conditioned ale served just right.

    Does anywhere else in town have some cask ales right now? They have such a short shelf life on them it isn't always easy.

  2. If it's Hopslam on tap, man, what a lineup. Pretty high ABV across the board. Think he'll serve in pitchers this time? I think you can bet on it...

  3. Holy crap....I'll be there with bells on!

  4. I think it's more like Jesus H. Baldheaded Christ, Mike. And maybe with lipstick lesbian porn!

  5. All I know is that I'm bringing both my big and little steins. I also know I'm probably going to Peppy's Grill at the end of the night/morning, and I think everyone who is still standing at that time should come with me. And I am oh so thanful that my mom is watching the Pygmy and my wife is driving!

  6. When did we agree that I was driving???

  7. you HAVE to be drunk to even consider peppy's.
