You won't find Southern Tier on the shelves in central Indiana at this very moment but we hear that a couple beers will be available at Kahn's soon. You can also pick up some at select locations in Northern and Southern Indiana (we've seen it in Keg Liquors in Clarksville, and Rich O's in New Albany had the Cherry Saison on tap recently).

Each of these three beers weigh in at 11% ABV and are brewed with similar ingredients. The Jah-va is brewed with Jamaican roasted coffee and a combination of Cascade and Columbus hops. The Choklat is brewed with bittersweet Belgian chocolate and a mix of Chinook and Willamette hops. The Mokah is a mix of the Jamaican coffee, Belgian chocolate, and one hop variety from Choklat and Jah-va (Columbus and Chinook).

Southern Tier Choklat: KOTBR Score: 4.01 Mugs | Mike 3.79 Mugs | Chris 3.9 Mugs | Gina 4.35 Mugs

In the realm of the coffee bean world, I am a novice. I would really like to know more, but neither my wallet nor my liver would be able to keep up, I feel. I am willing to concede to my curiosity by drinking beer with coffee in it, though.
When I found out that Southern Tier's Jah-va is brewed with Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, I couldn't wait to try it. I remembered a friend of mine told me several years ago that she tried this coffee and she loved it, but at $48/lb., she just couldn't justify drinking it a lot. This little exchange stuck in my memory because at that time I thought that price was completely ridiculous and I wanted to try it immediately.
I have yet to try the coffee, but I'm happy to report that I've conquered the Southern Tier Jah-va. It's no surprise that all three of these stouts poured similar in color, and with nearly the same ingredients, it's not surprising that they would have a very similar flavor profile as well. While I enjoyed this beer because it didn't pack the initial alcohol punch that the Choklat did, I was disappointed in the lack of coffee flavor that came through. 3.75 Mugs
Southern Tier Jah-va: KOTBR Score: 3.74 Mugs |Mike 3.5 Mugs | Chris 3.7 Mugs | Gina 3.75 Mugs
When I found out that Southern Tier's Jah-va is brewed with Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, I couldn't wait to try it. I remembered a friend of mine told me several years ago that she tried this coffee and she loved it, but at $48/lb., she just couldn't justify drinking it a lot. This little exchange stuck in my memory because at that time I thought that price was completely ridiculous and I wanted to try it immediately.
I have yet to try the coffee, but I'm happy to report that I've conquered the Southern Tier Jah-va. It's no surprise that all three of these stouts poured similar in color, and with nearly the same ingredients, it's not surprising that they would have a very similar flavor profile as well. While I enjoyed this beer because it didn't pack the initial alcohol punch that the Choklat did, I was disappointed in the lack of coffee flavor that came through. 3.75 Mugs
Southern Tier Jah-va: KOTBR Score: 3.74 Mugs |Mike 3.5 Mugs | Chris 3.7 Mugs | Gina 3.75 Mugs

Southern Tier Mokah: KOTBR Score: 3.81 Mugs |Mike 3.55 Mugs | Chris 3.8 Mugs | Gina 4.1 Mugs
Southern Tier beers are and have been on the shelves in Fort Wayne if you live or are in the area.