Actually Chris came out despite his sickness and Claire's previous work shift of like 30 hours in the OR. We had a few pumpkin beers and observed what was probably the largest tapping crowd we had ever seen. The basement was literally filled. Luckily we got there early and were seated at the bar. After enjoying our pumpkin beers (that's right, enjoying) we decided we would review the Brickway Brown and their Seasonal IPA. Jerry brought us a pitcher of the IPA from upstairs since it wasn't on tap in the basement. Thanks Jerry!
Brickway Brown

Color - nice head with a bit of lacing from the foam, dark brown color but can still see light through it
Taste - roasty, coffee, tastes like chocolate covered coffee beans, bitter with a coffee aftertaste.
4.0 mugs
Body - dark opaque brown, reddish hue, light brown head
Nose - cocoa, milk, chicory, toasted coconut, caramel, warm sugar
Taste - creamy mouthfeel, coffee porter, bitter coffee notes, milk chocolate, hazelnuts, roasted malts, plum-like sugar?
awesome porter and very drinkable, this is one of my go-to session beers
4.0 mugs

3.9 Mugs
Final score for Rock Bottom's Brickway Brown: 3.96 Mugs
Seasonal IPA
Nose - pine needles, spice, very hoppy, very deliciously grapefruit
Appearance - Darker golden color, pours nice foamy head, almost pillowy
Taste - big hops bite with a bit of grapefruit, juicy fruit sweetness
4.2 mugs
Body - reddish-orange, semi-transparent, creamy off-white head
Nose - grapefruit and pine hops, oregano, mint, caramel malt
Taste - pink grapefruit, balanced bitterness, lemon zest, caramel sugar, apricot
I'm not huge on IPAs, but this is one I could drink quite a bit of. Very well balanced.
3.8 mugs
Even tasting with the flu, this was one damn fine IPA. I could smell the strong citrusy/piney hops aroma on this beer through a stuffy nose and the strong citrus carried over to the flavor where it met up with just a touch of sweetness. Reminded me a bit of Clipper City's Loose Cannon. I love IPAs and, again, this was a damn fine example.
4.1 Mugs
Final score for Rock Bottom's Seasonal IPA: 4.03 Mugs.
As a footnote, the next Rock Bottom brewer's dinner will be November 11. These are an excellent intro into the world of beer and food pairings and are a great deal at $35/person for 4 courses and 4 beers. Jess and I have been going to these for a couple years now, maybe we'll see you there?
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