I think it goes without saying: I like beer. But more than that, I love the social aspects that come along with drinking beer, whether it be at a person’s home or at a bar. I like meeting people. And I’ve met quite a few.
Sometimes, when I want to seem more important than I really am, I name drop. Not cool, but depending on the name, sometimes it impresses people. Mentioning Nick Floyd, for example, grabs the attention of any beer geek. Sometimes name dropping does you no favors. Mentioning Ted Miller, for example, will get you kicked out of bars and finer establishments.
(I should note that the true definition of coolness is when somebody drops your name. That has happened with Hoosier Beer Geek on occasion. It’s nice, even if they don’t get your website address right in a major news publication. Oh well.)
In today’s Random Beer Roundup, I have the opportunity to drop the names of some big people in the craft beer business. I have never met either of them, but am looking forward to meeting them in the near future.
Let’s start with
Greg Hall. He is the head brewmaster at a little Chicago brewery called
Goose Island. He will be at
Kahn’s Fine Wines on Wednesday, April 8th. He will be talking about (what else?) beer. There will be sampling of Goose Island’s regular, reserve, and special brews. There will be cheese pairings for some of those beers. And for the low, low price of $15, you get to join Greg and many others (including some of the Knights of the Beer Roundtable) in the beer drinking, cheese-eating fun. Plus, you get to receive some Goose Island goodies. The event will be 6pm to 8pm. You can get tickets by emailing Cari Crowe at beerqueen@kahnsfinewines.com, calling Kahn’s at (317) 251-9463, or come by the store, which is located at 5341 North Keystone.
Another name that I’m going to drop is
Larry Bell. He is the founder of a little brewery in Michigan called
Bell’s Brewing Company. He will reportedly be at the
Beer Sellar on June 22nd. You might ask: Does Larry hang out in Castleton often? No, not normally. But on that Monday he will be, because the Beer Sellar will tapping 30 different Bell’s Beers at once. Thirty. Three-zero. That’s not only impressive, but it is world record breaking. A bar in Ohio is the current record holder at 28 different Bell’s taps. Take that Buckeye Beer Geek! It is a bit into the future, but I suspect that it will be a big event. And who wouldn’t want the chance to drink a beer (or 30) with a man who turned a homebrew shop in Kalamazoo into a 90,000+ barrel brewery?
I could drop other names, like Brooklyn Brewery's Garrett Oliver, Dogfish Head's Sam Calagione, or even Sam Adam's Jim Koch. But I never met them, and only reason to mention them is to grab people's attention. Like people doing Google searches. That's just a lame and dirty trick. We wouldn't stoop THAT low at Hoosier Beer Geek.
Enough name dropping (Schmaltz Brewing's Jeremy Cowan). Here is your weekly Random Beer Roundup. Remember, if you have beer news that you want to share or names you want to drop, drop us a line at
Beer Events:Dates and lineups subject to changeFriday, March 27, 4-10pm at the Clifton Center in Louisville, KY:
Louisville Brewfest. More details at
The Potable Curmudgeon.
Saturday, March 28, 1-3 p.m., at
Kahn’s in Indianapolis:
Jeff Eaton from Barley Island Brewing @ the Beer Desk
Monday, March 30, 5-7 p.m., at
Kahn’s in Indianapolis:
Great Divide Brewery tasting at the Tasting Bar
Monday, March 30, 4pm-Midnight, at
Deano's Vino in Indianapolis:
Bell's Oberon keg tapping, $3.50 Pints & $13 Pitchers, Free Appetizers, Music, and Giveaways
Thursday, April 2, 6-8pm, at
Big Red Liquors in Bloomington:
FREE beer tasting every Thursday 6-8pm at the "Big Store" at 418 North College in Bloomington.
Saturday, April 4, 4-6pm at
Mr. G's in Noblesville:
Beer tasting with Ryan Pierce from Cavalier Distributing, free.
Wednesday, April 8, 6-8 p.m., at
Kahn’s in Indianapolis:
Meet Greg Hall, Head Brewmaster from Goose Island, $15. Taste all of the Goose Island beers, including the Reserve lines and some special brews, paired gourmet cheeses, and receive some Goose Island swag. For tickets: email Cari Crowe at beerqueen@kahnsfinewines.com, call the store at (317) 251-9463, or come by the store. Kahnoisseurs Klub members get 20% off the ticket price.
Saturday, April 11, 2pm at
Upland Brewing Company in Bloomington:
Tapping Helios Pale Ale in honor of Upland's new solar initatives (see news below), plus educational tours and presentations on solar energy.
Thursday, April 16 at
Rock Bottom - Downtown in Indianapolis:
Tapping of Cezanne
Thursday, April 16 at various movie theaters across the US:
Beer Wars the MovieSaturday, April 25 at
Three Floyd’s Brewery in Munster:
Dark Lord Day
Sunday, April 26, 12:00pm at
Great Fermentations in Indianapolis:
Spring All-Grain Class, $25 per person or bring a friend and pay only $20 each. Details and registration on website.
Sunday, April 26th, 6 p.m. at
Zing! in Indianapolis:
Beer Tasting Dinner, $30 per person, Reservations required at (317)636-7775
Wednesday, April 29, 6-7:30pm at
Great Fermentations in Indianapolis:
Beginning Brewing Class, $15 per person or bring a friend and pay only $10 each. Details and registration on website.
Saturday, May 2nd: National Homebrew Day
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at
Rock Bottom - Downtown in Indianapolis:
Brewer's Dinner
Friday, May 8th at
Upland Brewing Company in Bloomington:
Entries for the UpCup Competition are due.
Saturday, May 16th at
Upland Brewing Company in Bloomington:
UpCup judging and ceremony.
Monday, June 22nd at
Beer Sellar in Indianapolis:
Big Bell's Brewing tapping, a record breaking 30 different Bell's beers on tap at once.
News and Rumors:From Scott at
Upland Brewing Companyin Bloomington:
The Upland Brewing Company, with support from Indiana’s Office of Energy & Defense Development, announces the installation of a solar water heating system in efforts to add to sustainable business operations in Bloomington, Indiana. Ten Apricus Tube Solar Collectors are to be installed, which will generate water heating at the rate of 3.5 kWh/m2/day, the heated water being stored in eight 120 gallon vessels to be used on demand.
Review of New Albanian Brewing Company's new Bank Street Brewhouse in the
He doesn't talk a lot about the beer (doesn't he know that lawyers work better drunk?), but HBG-reader Doug Masson reviewed Lafayette Brewing Company's food for
Lafayette Eats.
ProBrewer.com: A Scottish brewery claims to have produced the first authentic India pale ale in almost 200 years by ageing the beer aboard a trawler in the North Sea.
From an email from Mat at Cavalier Distributing concerning the proposal to raise alcohol taxes to cover a shortfall at the Capital Improvement Board:
I do not have any answers as to how to pay for the Colts and the Pacers but I know that this is a bad idea. This web link makes it very easy to voice your opposition.
More about this developing story at
the Indianapolis Star.
Now on tap:Price and availability are subject to changeFrom Jeff at
Mad Anthony Brewing Company in Ft. Wayne:
Mad Anthony Sponsored Competition BBQ team, Shigs In Pit will be serving up some great BBQ at our Auburn location this Friday night March 27th beginning at 5pm. The address is 114 N. Main St Auburn IN
Shigs In Pit Competition BBQ Team just finished the 2008 season ranked 22nd in team of the year standings out of over 4000 teams. For a complete list of our accomplishemnts check us out at www.shigsinpit.com
We will be offering Full and half Slabs of Ribs, 16 Hour slow smoked Pulled Pork, Smoked Sausage Plate, Combination Dinners and all the fixin's to go along with each dinner. The Auburn location currently has 8 Mad Anthony beers on tap including our spring seasonal No.3 Irish Red, Oatmeal Stout, & I.P.A.
From Jerry at
Rock Bottom - Downtown in Indianapolis:
Special beers on tap:
Seasonal Wheat:
American Wheat spiced with orange peel, coriander and chamomile.
Hops: Mt. Hood
Malts: Canadian Pale, Winter Wheat
ABV. 5.6%, O.G. 12°
Hoosier Ma Stout, Imperial Stout:
Big, rich and roasty strong ale.
Hops: Golding
Malts: English Pale, Chocolate, Roasted Barley, Rolled Oats
ABV. 9.7%, O.G. 22.4°
Trouble, Golden Belgian Strong Ale:
Rich and full mouthfeelwith wonderful fruit and spice character.
Hops: Golding
Malts: English Pale, Munich
ABV. 8.7%, O.G. 20°
St. James Irish Red:
Malty sweet garnet colored ale with a spicy, dry finish.
Hops: English Fuggle
Malts: English Pale, Rye, Crystal
ABV. 5.7%, O.G. 12.7°
Naughty Scot, Strong Scotch Ale:
very malty sweet garnet coloured strong ale.
Hops: Willamette
Malts: English Pale, Crystal, Chocolate
ABV. 9.3%, O.G. 20.2°
From Dean at
Deano’s Vino in Indianapolis:
Beers on tap: Murphy's Stout, Smithwicks, Bell's Two-Hearted Ale
From John at
Black Sparrow Pub in Lafayette:
On Tap:
Founders Double Trouble
Gouden Carolus Brown
Founders Pale Ale
Jever Pilsner
Goose Island Matilda
O'Hara's Irish Stout
Spaten Optimator
Upland Ard Ri (Imperial Irish Red)
Coming Soon On Tap:
Goose Island Nightstalker
Kolkke Roeland
Left Hand Oaked Imperial Stout
Oh, and...Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout btls. while they last!!!
Now on the shelf:
Price and availability are subject to change
From Cari at Kahn's in Indianapolis:
Oberon is/will be here!
You know it's Spring when Oberon starts hitting the shelves. Kahn's is taking pre-sale pre-orders of Oberon through Saturday, March 28. Cases are $29.99 (That's $7.50 a sixer!) and the pre-sale is for cases only. You do have to pay at the time of ordering, but there is no limit. Oberon will arrive Monday morning, and will run for $8.99/pack or $32.99/case all next week. Regular price will be $9.99/pack and $37.99/case. Give me a call at (317) 251-9463 or email me at beerqueen@kahnsfinewines.com if you'd like to reserve your cases.
Upland Lambics Rerelease:
Yes folks, I held onto a few cases of Upland Lambics to age them and get them ready for the springtime. They'll be tasting great! I have in stock Blueberry, Cherry, Raspberry, and Strawberry. Sorry, no Peach, Kiwi, or Blackberry. $14.99/750 mL bottle.
Specials (starting Tuesday):
Barley Island All Varieties $7.99/pk
Bell's Oberson $8.99/pk , $32.99/case
Upland Winter Warmer $9.99/pk
Three Floyds Alpha Klaus $5.99/22 oz
Brooklyn Brewing Lager $5.99/pk
Samuel Smith Winter Welcome $2.99/18.7 oz.
Chouffe Brasserie Select Varieties $6.99/750 mL
From Mike and Bobby at
Crown Liquors in Carmel:
Hello from Crown Liquors!! A few new, great brews have made it into our chain and like always....more to come! These are a few of our recent additions.
Founders KBS (2 bottle limit)
Bells Oberon will be here Monday!!!!
Great Divide Saint Bridget's Porter
Great Divide Espresso Oak Aged Yeti (A few left)
Be on the lookout for:
Dark Horse Double Crooked Tree
Brooklyn Local 2
Founders Cerise
From Mat at Cavalier Distributing in Indianapolis:
The Founders KBS is here and all but gone! It is really wonderful amazing stuff.
There is still plenty of Double Trouble available.
The Cerise (new Cherry fermented Ale) is scheduled to land in our warehouse on April 1 (no fooling) Due to the high cost of raspberries Rubaeus is no longer being brewed and Cerise will takes its place as the Founders Summer Seasonal. Also the cherries are grown locally in Michigan.
Some unknown distributor in an unknown state did not want all of their allocated Stone Old Guardian Barleywine. Can you believe that? Their loss is our gain as we received and extra 60 cases of this outstanding Stone Brew arrived in our warehouse this week! There is now more Old Guardian than ever available in Indiana! This beer ages wonderfully so now is the time to acquire some extra bottles and put them away in your celler!
Great Divide:
We now have Hades back in stock! If you have not had a chance to try this Belgian-Style golden ale now is your chance. Hades is brewed with a rare Belgian yeast strain that gives a complex spicy flavor and aroma. Noticeable hops and medium malt character make it a very well balanced, crisp ale. This beer can be enjoyed with Fresh mussels, crusty bread, artisan cheese.
The Claymore Scotch Ale is going fast we are down to our last few cases in the warehouse. This beer is named for a medieval Scottish sword, Claymore Scotch Ale is our tribute to the legendary “Wee Heavy” beers of Scotland. This malty, deep-ruby beauty features lots of caramel sweetness, a reserved hop profile, and a subtle warming character. Unlike its namesake, this beer only requires one hand, but it’ll still make you feel like nobility.