Now that we're a week out, I feel confident that we've kept things low key enough. So here's the email we've been sending and the details of what we're doing.
All nine HBG Knights of the Beer Roundtable are fans of the act of tailgating. It occurred to us that tailgating usually revolves around sporting events - but why should it have to? Getting together with friends, eating hearty and/or unhealthy foods, drinking beer, and just hanging out - these are ideas we can all get behind.If all this sounds fun to you, but you've been lazy and didn't send an email, we're not going to hold that against you. Instead we'll just ask that you leave a comment on the site to give us a heads up that you're coming. If you're coming, you gotta cook something or bring some food, or else we're just a bunch of hungry drunks in a parking lot. So as an added bonus, you could tell us what you're cooking.
Our first AleGate/Tailgate for Nothing (a NO FREELOADERS event) is exactly that - a tailgate for nothing. It's an opportunity for people to wheel out their rare beer, beer they never have an excuse to drink, or just big ABV beers, and to share it with like-minded individuals who are sure to appreciate what they are drinking. The crowd we are hoping for is a mixture of folks from homebrewers clubs, our regular HBG event attendees, industry folks, that sort of thing - but there's really no telling who'll show up.
TFN will be done in a traditional tailgate manner - bring your own everything (tailgate, beer, food, trash bags, chairs, bbq grills, games, whatever), cook and eat in a parking lot (pots of chili, brats and hamburgers, and stuff like that), and in the end, clean up after yourself. The main idea is sharing food and drink, hanging out, and having a good time.
The first Alegate/TFN will be happening in the parking lot of Sun King Brewery, 135 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, on Saturday, November 21st at 11AM. If you don't have beer to bring, Sun King's tasting room will be open from 1PM until 4PM. If you plan on showing up at 11AM, make sure you bring something to drink to hold you over.
AGAIN, THIS IS A "NO FREELOADERS" EVENT. Bring something to eat/drink and be prepared to share. Bring as many friends as you want, but we ask that you keep in mind what we're about and the sort of company we like to keep. If you're receiving this email there's a pretty good chance you know what we're about.
If you don't have a giant special beer, that's not a problem. Just make sure you bring something tasty. THIS ISN'T A RARE BEER CONTEST. It's just a good time.
Also this won't cost you anything to attend. We might pass around a hat or something if we see a need to buy anything for next time. Whatever.
ANY QUESTIONS? Let me know. Planning to attend? You don't need to RSVP, but we'd love to hear from you. Which would be kinda like RSVPing but whatever.
I think that's it.
Mike (and Jason and Jim and Matt and Gina and Jess and Rod and Chris and Matt)
* * * * *
Hello Everyone,
This is just a final reminder about Hoosier Beer Geek's Tailgate for Nothing. A few items I wanted to throw in, some of them more obvious than others...
Tasting Glasses - If you have any tasting glasses from former beer events, bring them along. There should be a lot of beer to share, and the smaller glasses are the best way to go about sharing.
Chairs - There won't be seating unless you bring some.
Friends - BRING FRIENDS. Hopefully you'll be making some, but it never hurts to have a posse.
We'll do our best to be social butterflies, but this is just gonna be a bunch of people hanging out. We're thinking maybe we'll bring nametags to make things easier. We encourage you to be nosy, it's the best way to make friends. Well, that and drinking.
See you Saturday?
That'd be rad.
I will probably bring two varieties of new TPB products, as well as a few old bottles that are still sitting around, and some kabobs -- I don't have a porta-grill, so I hope someone else can satisfy that need for me. Cheers.