Thanks to all who came out for our Tailgate for Nothing. The weather was absolutely beautiful and the food and drinks that everyone brought were amazing! I want more Kool-Aid pickles!
If there is something coming up that is not listed, we would love to hear about it. News, reviews, info, etc., to share for our next Random Beer Roundup can be submitted to hoosierbeergeek@gmail.com.)
Hoosier Beer Calendar
Events are subject to change
Friday, November 27th from 5 - 9 at the Crown Liquors next to Borders on 31 South: Christmas Beer Tasting
Friday, November 27th at the new Crown Liquors downtown: Friday Beer tasting
Tuesday, December 1st at 6 at the Chatham Tap in Indianapolis: "Bells of Winter" (6 Bell's beers on tap, including Rye Stout)
Wednesday, December 2nd at Mad Anthony: Snowplowed Winter Ale release
Thursday, December 3rd from 5 to 8 PM at Keg Liquors in Clarksville: 5th Annual Holiday Insanity Beer Tasting
Thursday, December 3rd at 7:15 at MacNiven's in Indianapolis: Sun King Winter Storm Warning Tapping
Saturday, December 5th at Lafayette Brewing Co in Lafayette: Christmas beer tapping - a Vienna lager finish "hopped" with 10# of organic heather flowers.
Monday, December 7th at Lafayette Brewing Co in Lafayette: 1st annual Dinner with Santa
Wednesday, December 9th at Mad Anthony: OCB Barley Wine
Wednesday, December 9th from 7 to 10 at Zest! in Indianapolis: Beer vs. Wine Dinner, $59.00/person (includes tax & tip) and can purchase tickets at Zest! or by phone: 317.466.1853 or e-mail: contactus@zestexcitingfood.com. Reservations only (no walk-ins).
Thursday, December 10th at 7:30 at Deano's Vino in Fountain Square: Sun King Imperial Cream Dream tapping
Wednesday, December 16th at Mad Anthony: Vintage Ales release (Fort Wayne Only)
Saturday, January 30th at the State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis: 2010 Brewers of Indiana Guild Winterfest
What's Brewing
From Greg at Lafayette Brewing Co in Lafayette:
On Tap:
Ouiatenon Wit Bier; Prophet's Rock Pale Ale; East Side Bitter; Pipers' Pride Scottish Ale; Tippecanoe Common Ale; Eighty-Five; Black Angus Oatmeal Stout and our Alpha Acid Test control beer: Alpha 60. Look for our annual Christmas beer to be released on Saturday, December 5. This year's version is a Vienna lager finish "hopped" with 10# of organic heather flowers.
If you're a music fan, Lafayette Brewing has a fantastic weekend lined up. On Friday, Cleveland reggae legend Carlos Jones and the PLUS Band. On Saturday, local guitar superstar and past winner of Guitar Center's national Guitarmageddon competition, Michael Kelsey. And Sunday, a Friends of Bob show featuring singer, songwriter, frequent guest on Bob & Tom and former professional boxer (yes, he went toe-to-toe with Roberto "Hands of Stone" Duran), Paul Thorn. Wow!
We're also taking reservations for a special night for the kids: Our first annual Dinner With Santa will be held on Monday, December 7. Give us a shout to reserve your table- our 2 sessions are filling quickly!
From Charles at Upland Brewing Co. in Bloomington:
From Crown Brewing in Crown Point:Upcoming Upland Beer Releases:
Winter Warmer Barleywine draught and six-packs will hit the market on Monday, December 7th. 22 oz bottles of this winter seasonal will be available for the first time ever in early January. We plan to release several of our high gravity beers in 22s this year, including the Ard Ri Imperial Red, Infinite Wisdom Tripel, and Double Dragonfly IPA. We're also introducing a new seasonal beer to our lineup in early January. Be on the lookout for Upland's Komodo Dragonfly Black IPA on draught and in six-packs.
The Winter Warlock is now on tap! This mildy spiced winter ale uses local Indiana honey and maple syrup for a sweetness that is not overpowering.
From Mad Anthony Brewing in various locations:
Snowplowed Winter Ale - Release Party Dec 2nd
The brewers have just filled the fermenter with a Double Stout and will make it available in the coming weeks. This promises to be a big bold stout with plenty of alcohol to make it a winter favorite.
In other beer news:
Pilsner is now on tap!
Vintage Ales consisting of past years Barley Wines, Bourbon Barrel Porters and other past brews will be available in very limited quantities and will be sold for in-store consumption only.
Mad Anthony's in Fort Wayne will be hosting it's annual New Year's Eve Bash. This is absolutely the best deal in town.
$25.00 per ticket if purchased in advance. One price covers it ALL!
Free food buffet, MadBrew, House Wines, Party Favors, DJ and dance Floor are all included in the price. Tickets will go on sale December 9th. Be sure to make plans now.
From John at Half Moon Brewery in Kokomo:
On Tap Friday 11/27:
Oatmeal Stout - O.G.=1.066 ABV=6.5% IBU=28
Vanilla Oatmeal Stout - O.G.=1.066 ABV=6.5% IBU=28
From Clayton at Sun King Brewery in Indianapolis:
Sunlight Cream AleWee Mac Scottish AleBitter Druid ESBOsiris Pale AleTulip WitXX Chocolate StoutJava Mac (while supplies last)Dry Hopped ESB (while supplies last)There are lots of things happening around the brewery right now... We just poured 1,600 square feet of concrete to accommodate more tanks and increase our brewing capacity! I flew to Sacramento, CA last week to check out a couple of used 30 bbl Brite Beer Tanks that I am pleased to say checked out and will be arriving by mid-December. We will be putting them into service by the end of the year along with 2 - 30 bbl tanks we acquired from Upland earlier this year. These four tanks will be joined by another 4 new fermenters that we are having manufactured by Applied Beverage Technologies in Chicago. These new tanks should arrive around the same time our Canning Line will be arriving in mid-February! We expect to have cans of Sun King on the market in early March...So I'll keep you posted.We have several new beers in the works and a couple of Specialty Beer Tappings coming up in December...Winter Storm Warning Tapping- Imperial ESBMacNiven's on Mass Ave.Thursday, December 3rd @ 7:15 p.m.Winter Storm Warning On Tap, plus a Dry-Hopped 5 gal. FirkinImperial Cream Dream Tapping - The latest in our rotating I.P.A. seriesDeano's Vino in Fountain SquareThursday, December 10th @ 7:30 p.m.
At the Bar
From Patrick at Patrick's Kitchen and Drinks in Zionsville:
We bought some 22oz bottles of Two brothers Heavier handed IPA, currently on tap is Bell's rye Stout , Left handed Nitro Milk Stout, 3 Floyds Alpha King, Flying dog double dog double pale ale, and Brooklyn Brewing Brown ale. Lots of cool others waiting their turn including Sun King's Druid ESB that they were kind enough to dry hop the heck out of for us....and some others.
Call to find out exactly what is on tap currently, 317-733-8755. Sales are up 19% to last year and guest counts are up 30% Thank you all.
Carry Out
From Todd at Keg Liquors in Clarksville:
Stone - Double Bastard Ale (California)
Berghoff - Winter Ale (Wisconsin)
Anchor Brewing - Our Special Beer 2009 (California)
Schlafly - Christmas Ale (Missouri)
Schlafly - Winter ESB (Missouri)
Pyramid - Snow Cap (Oregon)
Clipper City - Heavy Seas Yule Tide (Maryland)
New Holland - Cabin Fever (Michigan)
Southern Tier - Creme Brulee Stout (New York)
New Holland - Charkoota Rye (Michigan)
Southern Tier - Pack of Pales (New York)
Southern Tier - Oat (New York)
Southern Tier - Old Man Winter (New York)
5th Annual Holiday Insanity Beer Tasting at Keg Liquors
December 3rd from 5 – 8 PM
Another of our great traditions, we conclude the year’s beer tasting schedule with a bang. Featuring Holiday and Seasonal beers from around the world. Last year's tasting included over 21 different beers to sample. More details will be forthcoming as this one shapes up.
From Mike at Crown Liquors Downtown Indianapolis (Pennsylvania & Ohio):
We will be having the first Friday night beer tasting at the new Crown Downtown this Friday. We will probably have the "Grand Opening" then second week of Dec.
From Sam at BW3's (Downtown Indianapolis):
From Big Red Liquors in Bloomington:Tap List:Unibroue La TerribleFounders Breakfast StoutFlying Dog Gonzo Imperial PorterStone Arrogant BastardBells Two HeartedBells Double Cream StoutThree Floyds Robert the BruceThree Floyds GumballheadSierra Nevada Anniversary AleUpland Bad Elmers PorterBarley Island Dirty HelenDogfish Head 90 MinuteDark Horse Crooked Tree IPA
Coming on draft in the next week or two will be the DFH & Sierra collaboration beer, Life & Limb. We will also have the new IRS from Upland, Teddy Bear Kisses.
Stone Double Bastard
Stone/Brew Dog Bashah -a Black Belgian Double IPA
Hair of the Dog Adam -made with organic pilsner and northwest hops and special grains
Hair of the Dog Fred -made with organic pilsner hops, rye malts, and Belgian candy sugar
Left Hand Fade to Black
Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale
St. Martin Brunehaut Brown & Tripel (new Belgian beers!)
We are also almost at full stock of all the winter brews we can possibly get our hands! Come check our fantastic selection on Thursdays nights while our weekly FREE BEER SAMPLINGS occur at the downtown store in Bloomington!
On The Table
From Valerie at Zest! restaurant in Indianapolis:
Wine vs. Beer Event - Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 7pm-10pm
$59.00/person (includes tax & tip) and can purchase tickets at Zest! or by phone: 317.466.1853 or e-mail: contactus@zestexcitingfood.com. Reservations only (no walk-ins).
The Warm-Up
WINE: Avinyo Vi d’Agulla 2007 (Catalonia, Spain)
BEER: Upland Preservation Pilsner
The Bell Has Rung…
Tomato Bon Bon with Tomato Tzatziki
Date Rumaki with Green Olive Relish
‘Big Girl’ Pigs in a Blanket with House Made Mustard
Crispy Olive with Pimento Dip
White: Glatzer Gruner Veltliner 2006 (Carnuntum, Austria)
Red: Barone di Valforte Montepulciano 2007 (Abruzzo, Italy)
Ommegang Abbey
Spaten Optimator
The Main Event
5-Hour Braised Short Ribs
Root Vegetable Smash
Grilled Asparagus
WINE: Barone di Valforte Montepulciano 2007 (Abruzzo, Italy)
BEER: Kasteel Rouge
The Big K.O.
Banana Spring Roll
Wild Hibiscus ‘Jellie’ Shot
Carrot Cake Skewer
Robert Hall Orange Muscat 2007 (Paso Robles, CA)
Reginato “Celestina” Sparkling Rose of Malbec 2007 (Mendoza, Argentina)
Bell’s Expedition Stout
Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA
Dave Colt from Sun King with Treeboy on WTHR