Happy Halloween! Hope it is a great one for you!
If there is something coming up that is not listed, we would love to hear about it. News, reviews, info, etc., to share for our next Random Beer Roundup can be submitted to hoosierbeergeek@gmail.com. Don't see your favorite craft beer establishment? Let them know you'd like to see them here! Work for an establishment that serves craft beer? We want to hear from you too!
Hoosier Beer Calendar
Events are subject to change
What's Brewing
From Dan at Great Crescent Brewery in Aurora:
October 29 and 30 we will host an event for Main Street Aurora - "6th Annual Horror, History and Hauntings" starting at 6 pm in the Great Crescent Brewery. Food will be served as a catered dinner with beer available by the glass for $3/pint. Soft drinks will also be served. This is an "Over-21" event.
From Charles at Upland Brewing Co. in Bloomington:
We're celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the Upland Tasting Room on 49th and College Tuesday November 9th with live music from Gustav and food from Tiger & Taco. Come in wearing an Upland shirt and get a free pint glass. If you show us a current, valid alcohol server's permit, you'll get a free (empty) growler.But we're not waiting until the 9th to start celebrating. Every day from the 5th through the 9th we'll have a growler fill special, and you'll even be able to get pints! And on Mon., Nov. 8th, we'll have live music from Doubting Thomas.
Other Upland events:Tasting at the Mass. Ave Wine Shoppe. Tues., Nov. 2nd, 5:30-6:30pmTasting at the Artisan's Fair in Zionsville on Weds., Nov. 3 from 6-8pm. Pints will also be on sale so you can get more of your favorites.Triple Dragonfly Tapping at Brugge on Weds., Nov 3. Dragonfly IPA, Double Dragonfly, and Komodo Dragonfly all on tap!Tasting for WINOS (Women in Need of Spirits) at the Speedway Union Jacks. Thurs., Nov 4.Tasting at the Crown Liquors in Carmel. Fri., Nov. 5th, 4:30-6:30pm
At the Bar
From Jordan at the Beer Sellar in Indianapolis:
Now on Tap:
Bells Best Brown-hints of caramel and cocoa, the malt body has the depth to stand up to cool weather, but does not come across as heavy
Bells Third Coast Old Ale-offers a crisp, dry bitterness with a mixture of floral & herbal aromas. PERFECT for a FALL Day. Only $ 4 a pint.
Boulevard Single Wide IPA-A golden colored beer with a prominent flowery, grapefruit hop aroma, a moderate caramel malt flavor and a dominant hop bitterness and flavor.
Sun King Wee Mac- easy drinking brown ale that has a nice hazelnut character with rich toffee undertones.
Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout-luscious deep dark chocolate flavor through a blend of specialty roasted malts
Rogue Dead Guy Ale- Deep honey in color with a malty aroma and a rich hearty flavor.
Sam Adams Winter Lager- The cinnamon, ginger, and hint of citrus from the orange peel blend with the roasty sweetness of the malts to deliver a warming, spicy flavor.
Enjoy this Saturday for our Halloween Bash $3 Pints of Dogfish Head Punkin Ale and New Holland Ichabod.
From Patrick at Patrick's Kitchen and Drinks in Zionsville:
Patrick's Kitchen currently has Broo-doo on tap, to be followed by Left Hand Warrior, also on tap are.....Old Rasputin Imperial Nitro Stout, Hop Wallop, Hoptimus from New Alabnian and we are also proud to represent Sun King with their Brown IBU...Notorious don't cha' know?
From Lauren at Scotty's Brewhouse (various locations):
Scotty's Brewhouse Bloomington is now serving Bell's Winter White!
Scottys Brewhouse Downtown Indy is now serving Bloomington Brewing Company Ruby Bloom Amber!
Scotty's Brewhouse Northside Indy is now serving Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout!
Carry Out
From Jeremy at Big Red Liquors (E. 3rd St.) in Bloomington:
New Beer in this Week:
* Two Brothers Heavy Handed IPA
* Shipyard Pumpkin - Just in time for Halloween!
*Another great find in our cellar*
*Stone Imperial Russian Stout
From Big Red Liquors (College Mall Rd.) in Bloomington:
From Greg at Big Red Liquors (Downtown) in Bloomington:
NEW this week-and more to come...
On the session side--New Belgium's Dubbel, Tripel, and 2 Below; Boulevard Amber, Anchor Steam's Humming Ale (doesn't know the words I guess), Victory Whilwind Witbier and Two Brother's Cane and Ebel.
On the winter front-- Harpoon Winter Warmer, Clipper City Winter Storm, and Bell's Winter White
In the Heavy, Dude race we received-- Upland's Teddy Bear Kisses (aw...) an Imperial Stout brewed with fair trade coca nibs, and Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout
For the piney heads, the harvest/fresh hop newbies are-3 Floyd's Broodoo, Founder's Harvest (going fast!!), and Two brother's Heavy Handed.
Coming Soon-the return of Sierra Nevada Celebration! And Guinness Foreign Extra Stout!
From Greg at Big Red Liquors (Downtown) in Bloomington:
New this week:
*Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale
*Founder's Harvest -A Wet-Hopped Ale
*Upland Teddy Bear Kisses Don't let the name fool you, this is a SERIOUS beer!
*Two Brothers Heavy Handed IPA
*Bells Winter White
*Winter Bourbon Cask Ale
*Wittekirke Framboise
*Anchor Steam Christmas Ale
*You liked them at Big Red Beer Fest? Now you can buy them at Big Red!
Victory Moonglow Weizen Bock
Napa Smith Wheat, Red and Organic IPA
New Crispin Ciders: Pear, Honey Crisp and Lansdowne Stout
*We have added another Gluten Free beer, St Peters Sorgham Beer
*Need the perfect glass to enjoy you favorite beer? We have a wide selection of glassware styles!
Don't forget our weekly beer tasting, Thursdays 6-8pm! For Thursday, November 4th, Upland Brewing will be tasting their Teddy Bear Kisses Imperial Stout!
From Joe at Crown Liquors on US31 (Near Borders) in Greenwood:
On Friday the 29th we will tasting:
Bell's - Winter White Ale
Brouwerij Van Steenberge - Monk's Cafe Flemish Sour Ale
Boulevard - Smokestack Series SeeYouLator Doppelbock
Two Bros. - Hop Juice Double IPA(15% off these sampled beers on Friday too!)
New brews include:
Bell's - Best Brown 5 Liter MiniKegs
Three Floyds - BrooDoo Harvest Ale
Upland - Teddy Bear Kisses Imperial Stout (2 Bottle Allocation)
New Belgium - Lips of Faith Series: Sahti Traditional Ale
New Belgium - Lips of Faith Series: La Folie Sour Brown Ale (1 Bottle Allocation)
From Todd at Keg Liquors in Clarksville:
Here is the latest from Keg Liquors in Clarksville:Shipyard - Pumpkinhead (Maine) Last shipment of the year!Brooklyn Brewery - Black Chocolate Stout (New York)Hitachino - Celebration Ale 2010 (Japan)New Belgium - 2° Below (Colorado)Clipper City - Winter Storm (Maryland)He'Brew - Vertical Jubilation (California)He'Brew - Jewbelation 14 (California)Mendocino - Oatmeal Stout (California)JK Scrumpy - Solstice Cider (Michigan)Bells - Best Brown 5 Liter Mini Keg (Michigan)
From Josh at United Package Liquors (Countyline & Meridian):
New beer in stock-New Belgium 2° BelowSierra Nevada Celebration aleTwo Brothers Heavy Handed IPAHe'Brew Jewbelation 14Ommegang Three Philosophers, Hennepin & Chocolate Indulgencegift set with fluted glass.Brooklyn Black Chocolate stoutUpland Teddy Bear Kisses