Hello again, fellow beer geeks!I'm reposting the invite because not everyone that reads Hoosier Beer Geek subscribes to the email list. But everyone that reads Hoosier Beer Geek is invited to the party. Hell, bring 100 friends if you want. The more merrier.
This may sound familiar to some of you because I started our last invitation email the same way. You are receiving this email invite because we consider you a friend. If you've been out of the loop lately, or haven't been reading www.hoosierbeergeek.com, we won't hold it against you. Instead, we'd like to bring you back into the fold and invite you to our New Year's party - The Beer Inspired New Year's Party To End All Beer Inspired New Year's Parties - at Deano's Vino on December 31st at around 9PM.As you can see from the attached flyer, we'll have the right beer on tap - The rarely-on-tap and Hoosier Beer Geek requested Three Floyd's Alpha Klaus, the wonderfully tasty Delirium Tremens, and a choice from a favorite brewer located just north of the Indiana border - either Bell's Hopslam (cross your fingers!) or Bell's Two Hearted.
In addition to what's on tap, Deano has a fine selection of bottled beers, a wide selection of wines , and a menu of fine food. For this special New Year's event, Chef Jody is also planning a special late night menu of tasty treats to keep you on an even keel. And remember that Deano's staff is always happy to call a cab for you.
Our anniversary party at Deano's was a smashing (and overwhelming) success, and we hope to see you there again on New Year's Eve to ring in the new year in the same festive atmosphere.
Deano's Vino is located at 1112 South Shelby Street, Indianapolis. Admission is free (food/drink are not included), and the action starts at 9pm. The flier for the event is attached. Further info can be found at www.hoosierbeergeek.com, and feel free to email if you have any questions.
Let's bring in 2008 right! We hope to see you there!
Chris, Jason, Jim, Kelly, Mike, Gina, and Matt
The Knights of the Beer Roundtable
All this sounds pretty good, right? Well, today we got some really great New Year's party news involving a local brewer and a special beer.
You see...
That's all I can tell you right now. Stay tuned.
Love the Flyer - Love the Partiers! I can't make it to your Big Bash, but I did feature you guys on my page: http://www.squidoo.com/New-Years-Party-Supplies