Upcoming openings / special events:
11/18 - Three Pints Brewpub, Plainfield
11/20 - Alpha Acid Test at Lafayette Brewing Co, Lafayette
11/21 - Brew Masters Viewing Party at Brugge
11/24 - Bier Brewery, Indianapolis
11/24 - Tomlinson Tap Room Grand Opening, Indianapolis
This week's Metromix feature, written by members of HBG, has interviews from the brewers in and around the Indianapolis area. We are proud of our brewers and we were very excited to have the opportunity to write about them. Pick one up while you can!
Have a fantastic holiday!
If there is something coming up that is not listed, we would love to hear about it. News, reviews, info, etc., to share for our next Random Beer Roundup can be submitted to hoosierbeergeek@gmail.com. Don't see your favorite craft beer establishment? Let them know you'd like to see them here! Work for an establishment that serves craft beer? We want to hear from you too!
11/18 - Three Pints Brewpub, Plainfield
11/20 - Alpha Acid Test at Lafayette Brewing Co, Lafayette
11/21 - Brew Masters Viewing Party at Brugge
11/24 - Bier Brewery, Indianapolis
11/24 - Tomlinson Tap Room Grand Opening, Indianapolis
This week's Metromix feature, written by members of HBG, has interviews from the brewers in and around the Indianapolis area. We are proud of our brewers and we were very excited to have the opportunity to write about them. Pick one up while you can!
Have a fantastic holiday!
If there is something coming up that is not listed, we would love to hear about it. News, reviews, info, etc., to share for our next Random Beer Roundup can be submitted to hoosierbeergeek@gmail.com. Don't see your favorite craft beer establishment? Let them know you'd like to see them here! Work for an establishment that serves craft beer? We want to hear from you too!
Hoosier Beer Calendar
Events are subject to change
What's Brewing
From Brian at Bier Brewery and Taproom in Indianapolis:
From Sara at Bloomington Brewing Co. in Bloomington:
Opening on Wednesday, Nov. 24th from 3-7 PM. He will have 7 beers on tap for growler purchase. An updated list of beers available will be posted to his website.
From Sara at Bloomington Brewing Co. in Bloomington:
...we have finally expanded Bloomington Brewing Co! The Bloomington Brewing Co Brewery Production Facility is complete! We wrapped full-time brewing at our current/original location with Batch #1,000...which somehow seems so fitting! Batch 1,000, or "Ole Floyd's Belgian Dark Strong Ale," is currently fermenting. We should have a good idea as to a release date after the fabulous holidays kick off next week.
Speaking of Kicking Off--how about this? On Friday, November 12, Brewers Eileen Martin, Dustin Brown and Floyd Rosenbaum brewed Batch 1000.
On Monday, November 15, Team Bloomington Brewing Co headed to its new facility, affectionately coined "Brew :2" by those of us who actually say or type "Bloomington Brewing Co Brewery Production Facility" somewhat regularly, to cut the proverbial tape at Brew :2 with Batch #1001, Ruby Bloom Amber.
So... there's the latest and greatest from Bloomington Brewing Co. I hope it fills your brain with joy and causes a little salivation. I've heard from 1-2 ppl who have tipped a sip of Ole Floyd's Belgian--and the consensus is "WOW!" Hopefully, we'll see you down here for this specialty ale's release!
From Greg at Lafayette Brewing Co. in Lafayette:
On tap this weekend at Lafayette Brewing Co.: Star City Lager; Prophet's Rock Pale Ale; Tippecanoe Common Ale; Eighty-Five; and our latest seasonal release, Alpha 60. Alpha 60 is a 60 ibu American-style IPA that is brewed as the control beer for our Alpha Acid Test.
Don't forget: The LBC Alpha Acid Test is set for this Saturday, November 20, from 2 to 5 pm. We've dry hopped our control beer, Alpha 60, with 25 different hop varieties for a unique side-by-side tasting and hop variety comparison. There are a limited number of tickets remaining. A $20 ticket includes admission, beer samples, a commemorative tasting glass and raffles. Get you tickets before Saturday, as there will NOT be any tickets available at the door.
On the bomber front: We now have both our Star City Lager and our Eighty-Five American Ale available for carry-out in 22 oz. bombers.
From Mad Anthony in Ft. Wayne:
Cask Conditioned ESB tapping Friday at 5pm.
At the Bar
From Jordan at the Beer Sellar in Indianapolis:
Wednesday November 24th we are tapping a Firkin of Bells Two Hearted at 6 p.m. We have a very limited supply so come early to make sure you can get a glass. Also enjoy one of our 8 taps of Bells while your here.
New Draft Beers tapped this week are:
Upland Dragonfly, Double Dragonfly and Komodo Dragonfly
Arrogant Bastard, OAKED Arrogant Bastard and we also have some bottles of Double Bastard.
Beer Sellar is open on Thanksgiving at 7 pm. We have live music from Big Bill Taylor the night before Thanksgiving starting at 10 p.m.
From Lauren at Scotty's Brewhouse (various locations):
Scotty's Brewhouse Downtown now has Stone Double Bastard, Stone Oaked Bastard, Stone Lucky Bastard, and Founders Backwoods Bastard.
Scotty's Brewhouse Muncie now has New Albanian Elector Red.
Carry Out
From Jeremy at Big Red Liquors (E. 3rd St.) in Bloomington:
New Beer Now in Stock
*Tyranena Brewers Gone Wild!
- Double Down 'N Even Dirtier - Barrel-aged Chocolate Vanilla Double Stout
*Boulevard Nut Cracker Ale
From Matt at Big Red Liquors (Downtown) in Bloomington:
We are open 10am to 10pm Thanksgiving Day!!!
These just in:
*New Holland Cabin Fever
*New Belgium Two Below
*Founders Backwoods Bastard- Aged in Oak Bourbon Barrels
*Barley Island Brass Knuckles- Now seasonal release only!
*Stone Double Bastard Ale
*Boulevard Nutcracker
*Harpoon Winter Warmer
*Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Edition #4 The Brewmasters Reserve
-Sierra is not kidding around this time. They have blended
Oak aged Bigfoot Barleywine, Sierra Celebration Ale and
Fresh Sierra Pale Ale! Quite a way to kick off the next
Thirty Years!
*Bells Christmas Ale
*Woodchuck Winter- Barrel aged cider!
*Stella Artois Christmas Bottling! Same great beer, great Christmas Package!
*Upland Winter Warmer
*From the Vault: 2009 Upland Winter Warmer is back! Buy one of last years and see how it has aged!
*Gulden Draak Vintage Ale 2008 Edition
*We now have Samuel Smith Gift Sets! Three of your favorite Sammy Smith Beers, and a Sammy Smith pint glass! Great as a gift to the beer lover you love!
*Big Belgian Beer Sale!!!!!! Starting November 22nd, buy 6 single bottles of Belgian beer, get 10 percent off! Downtown Store Only!
*Need a new beer glass or two? Buy one and get the second half off!! Offer Good 11-22 thru 12-24!
As always, do not forget our weekly beer tastings! Thursdays 6-8pm! Tasting is on hiatus Thanksgiving Day.
From Joe at Crown Liquors on US31 (Near Borders) in Greenwood:
On Friday, November 19th from 5-8PM we will be tasting:
Bell's - Hell Hath No Fury Dubbel Ale
Boulevard - 21st Anniversary Fresh Hop Ale (Brand New!)
JK Scrumpy's - Solstice Hard Cider
New brews this week include:
2 Bros. - Heavy-Handed IPA (Fresh!)
Barley Island - Brass Knuckles Oatmeal Stout
Leinenkugel's - Big Eddy Imperial Stout (Brand New! 100pts on RateBeer!)
Moa - Hop 5 (Brand New!)
Oaken Barrel - Snake Pit Porter
Ølfabrikken - Porter
Rogue - John John Hazelnut (Brown Ale aged in Hazelnut Rum Barrels)
Sierra Nevada - 30th Anniversary Brewer's Reserve Grand Cru (Brand New! 1 Bottle Allocation!)
Southern Tier - Oat (Oatmeal Stout) and Old Man Winter (American Strong Ale)
Sterken's - Porter
Sun King - Wee Mac Scottish Ale
Upland - Winter Warmer (Barleywine)
Victory - Hop Devil IPA (Fresh!), Hop Wallop IPA (Fresh!), and Stormking Imperial Stout
From Josh at United Package Liquors (Countyline and Meridian) in Greenwood:
Goose Island BCS Vanilla (Limited quantity)
Stone Double Bastard
Dogfish Head/Three Floyds Poppa Skull
Three Floyds Artic Panzer Wolf
Founders Backwoods Bastard
Bruery Three French Hens
Sierra Nevada 30th anniversary Brewers Reserve Grand Cru
Hebrew Jewbelation vertical gift-pack
Southern Tier Old Man Winter
Southern Tier Oat
Heavy Seas Winter Storm
Boulevard Nutcracker
Boulevard 21st Anniversary Fresh hop ale
Bell's Christmas ale
Bell's Winter White
From the Distributors and Reps:
From Greg at Cavalier Distribution:
New Arrivals & Releases:
Shoreline Brewing Company recently released their 2008 Vintage Barrel-Aged Series!! There are 6 styles available this year: Big Bella Heavy Scotch Ale, Curse the Goat Dopplebock, Discombobulation Celebration Ale, Lost Sailor Imperial Stout & Sum Cens Imperial IPA all aged in Bourbon Barrels. The 6th style is Seven Red on Rye Imperial Red Rye Ale aged in French Oak Shiraz Barrels! As always, these are extremely limited!!
Stone Double Bastard 2010 is out!! You'll be able to find this rare treat only in establishments that support Stone Brewing 24/7, 365...enjoy!!
Stone Lukcy Bastard was released a week early in Draft only in select bars participating in the 2010 Most Arrogant Bar Contest. The brew is a one-time special release from Stone made up of a blend of the Arrogant, Oaked & Double Bastard. You will be able to find this early release in these establishments only until next week!! The official release date for the beer is 11/22, so you'll be able to find it next week, just in time for Thanksgiving.
Berghoff Winter Ale & Lakefront Holiday Spice Ale are both in stock for the Holiday / Winter Season!!
Upcoming Cavalier Events:
Most Arrogant Bar Week This Week!! -- Support the Following 2010 Contestants:
Beer Sellar
Chatham Tap Fishers
Chumley's (Indy)
Fickle Peach
The Heorot
Scotty's Brewhouse Downtown Indy
Scotty's Brewhouse Lafayette
The Pine Room
11/19 "Glorious Bastards" Most Arrogant Bar Event @ Fickle Peach in Muncie
-Featuring Flights of All 4 Stone Bastards: Arrogant, Oaked, Double & Lucky
-Variety of Steamed Mussels to complement the Bastards!
11/19 Cavalier Tasting @ Northside Liquors in Seymour, 4 - 6 pm.
11/19 Cavalier Tasting @ S&V Liquors on Dupont Rd, Fort Wayne, 5 - 7 pm.
11/19 United Fine Wines & Spirits Tasting @ Keystone Xing location, 5 - 7 pm.
11/21 Exchange Club Charity Wine & Beer Tasting w/Portage Liquors
11/24 Cavalier Tasting @ Triangle Liquors in Valpo, 4 - 6pm
12/03 He'Brew Tasting @ Pat's Liquors in Porter, 3:30 - 5:30.
12/4 Holiday Tasting @ Godfather's in Valpo, 1-3 or 3-5
From Mike at Goose Island:
BCS Vanilla will be landing in Indiana this week!
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