Happy Friday everyone!
If there is something coming up that is not listed, we would love to hear about it. News, reviews, info, etc., to share for our next Random Beer Roundup can be submitted to hoosierbeergeek@gmail.com. Don't see your favorite craft beer establishment? Let them know you'd like to see them here! Work for an establishment that serves craft beer? We want to hear from you too!
Hoosier Beer Calendar
Events are subject to change
What's Brewing
From Clayton at Sun King Brewing Co. in Indianapolis:
From Andrew at The Ram Brewery in Indianapolis and Fishers:
Hoosier Beer Calendar
Events are subject to change
What's Brewing
From Clayton at Sun King Brewing Co. in Indianapolis:

Sun King is very excited to announce that we have added a couple of new brewers! Last month Adrian Ball, former assistant brewer at Alcatraz, Rock Bottom and The Ram over the last many years, joined our team and has been putting his skills to work on the Brew Deck helping us increase production to help meet the growing demand for our beers. Dustin Boyer, who was an assistant brewer at the Rock Bottom Indianapolis and Denver, then Head Brewer at Rock Bottom Indianapolis circa 2005 before leaving to help start Spencer's Stadium Tavern, where he has been for the last 5 years, has also come aboard to help out in all aspects of our operations, from the brewhouse to streets.
In the next couple of weeks, Sun King will take delivery of our Reverse Osmosis System that we have been researching and planning for several months now. We currently painstakingly pre-boil and treat every ounce of water that goes into making our beer in order to get the desired water chemistry for each of our beers, so the RO system help us save time and energy while allowing for greater consistency in our brewing processes.
On July 1st, 2010 we will be celebrating our 1st Anniversary! Dave and I brewed our first batch, Johan the Barleywine, on July 1st last year and have been cellaring it ever since. We will be releasing Johan in conjunction with our 1st Anniversary Dinner to be held in the Brewery with food pairings from our friends at Chef JJ's Back Yard. Unfortunately for most of you reading this, the dinner sold out a month ago... but don't fret, we are in the process of planning an Indiana Beer Week Dinner at Back Yard in Broadripple that will feature not only Sun King and Chef JJ, but several Indiana Breweries and some of the top Chefs in the city! Keep your eyes on Hoosier Beer Geek for more info.

Three seasonals on at The RAM, Downtown and Fishers stores, that you have to come in and try. Double Deuce Altbier, Barefoot Belgian Wit, and Lazy Daze Amber Lager. Come in and have a pint while you are watching opening weekend of the World Cup!

From Cari and Charles at Upland Brewing Co. in Bloomington:
At the Bar
Check our Where to Drink - World Cup post
From Dan at Fat Dan's Deli in Broad Ripple:
Carry Out
From Todd at Keg Liquors in Clarksville:
From Eric at 21st Amendment in Broad Ripple:
News around the web:
Monday, June 14, 6:30 pm - Beer & Wine Dinner at Pizzology featuring Upland Brewing Co. and Italian wines from Crossroad Vintners
Reception at 6:30 pm, with crudites, Preservation Pilsner and Prosecco.
Dinner at 7:00 pm with four courses paired each with an Upland beer and Italian wine.
More details to come once the menu is finalized. All of the courses will be dishes you will not find on the regular Pizzology menu. Neal Brown and Co. will be putting together a great menu for us.
Cost is $60 plus tax and tip. Seats are limited to 35. Please contact (317) 844-2550 for reservations.
Upland is making you earn your beer on Sunday, June 13th. We'll be serving beers at the Hoosierman Triathlon in Bloomington...the only catch is, you have to finish the triathlon first! Think you're up for it?
Grab one of the last few seats at the Pizzology Beer and Wine Dinner in Carmel on Monday June 14th. Each of the four courses will be paired with an Italian wine and an Upland beer. Call (317) 844-2550 to reserve your spot. Salute!
An Upland rep will be pouring samples of beer at the College Mall Big Red Liquors in Bloomington on Thurs. night. Come try new brews and get acquainted with old favorites!
Start off the Meridian Kessler Home Tour with some Upland beer at the Twilight Tour on Friday, June 18th. Your ticket includes dinner, live entertainment, and admission to a silent auction sponsored by Upland.
Taste of Bloomington is on Sat., June 18th, from 3-11pm. Try food from local independent restaurants, and beer and wine from local brewers and wineries! A portion of the proceeds from Taste of Bloomington will benefit the Hoosier Hills Food Bank and the Community Kitchen of Monroe County.
Upland will be serving beer at the Indianapolis Museum of Art to help celebrate the opening of 100 Acres: Virginia B. Fairbanks Art and Nature Park. Be among the first to explore the site-specific works of art, see the completed Visitors Pavilion designed by architect Marlon Blackwell, and experience the landscape journeys designed by landscape architect Ed Blake. And grab a beer while you're at it!
At the Bar
Check our Where to Drink - World Cup post
From Dan at Fat Dan's Deli in Broad Ripple:
We currently serve on tap, Fat Dan's Gold Ale, Fat Dan's Red Ale, Old Style and Delirium Tremens. I just blew the Dogfish 90 Minute keg, but will be replacing it this week. Please feel free to check out our website, www.fatdansdeli.com to see our menu and location.
Carry Out
From Todd at Keg Liquors in Clarksville:
Here is the latest from Keg Liquors in Clarksville:From Patrick at Crown Liquors:
Schlafly - American IPA (Missouri)
Tyranena - La Femme Amère (Wisconsin)
Mikkeller - Draft Bear (Denmark)
Cotleigh - Barn Owl (England)
Boulevard - Zon (Missouri)
Boulevard - Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale (Missouri)
Dark Horse - Sapient Trip Ale (Michigan)
Three Floyds - Arctic Panzer Wolf (Indiana)
3 Floyd's Arctic Panzer- (Imperial Double IPA) A massive IPA that will leave your palate it's hapless victim. 100 IBU 9%ABV. The Indianapolis area received a very little amount of this special brew. Either be a great beer shopper or very lucky in finding one.
Boulevard Tank 7- A new saison to the state named after the number 7 tank at Boulevard in which it's brewed.
Avery 17th Anniversary- A dry hopped black lager; Schwarzbier. Brewed with Rocky Mountain water, malted barley, imported German hops, and German yeast.
Tyranena Brewers gone wild La Femme Amere- (Belgian Ale) Brewed with spicy belgian yeast and specialty caramel malts. Best described as the Bitter Woman IPA travels to Belgium.
All of these have received great press and can't wait to taste them!
As always we will host a beer tasting Friday from 3-7 on Friday night. Some of these will definitely be popped and hope to see you there!
From Eric at 21st Amendment in Broad Ripple:
This week brings plenty of new beers for my store. I have a small amount of Brooklyn Brewery's Sorachi Ace. This beer is a bottle fermented saison, showcasing a brand new Japanese hope strain from which the beer takes its name. We have plenty of the Upland Double Dragonfly Imperial IPA. Upland did a great job with this beer. It's got a great malt profile to balance out the huge amount of hops Upland used. Don't forget to stock up for the USA v. England match on Saturday. We are loaded with session ales that will be perfect for the mid afternoon kick-off.
For our tasting this week, Ryan Pierce from Cavalier is going to be making a guest appearance. Since Ryan will be here we're goingto go big, with 10+ beers.
Here's the tasting list for today at 5PM:
Founders Centennial
Berghoff Pale
Sea Dog Blue Paw
Clipper City Gold Ale
Clipper City Loose Cannon
Tyranena Rocky's Revenge
Thirsty Dog Old Leg Humper
Great Divide Hoss
Left Hand Good JuJu
Stone Oaked Arrogant Bastard
Stone IPA
Southern Star Burried Hatchet
It'll be one of our better tastings. You should swing by on your way home from work!From Joe at Payless Liquors on 96th Street:
Appearing presently at the Payless store on 96th street inclue such fun items as Mikkeller Beer Geek Brunch, Three Floyds Blackheart, Black Albert, Vintage Left Hand limited release beers, Pissenlit Saison, Stone/Brewdog Bashah. We have a new Berlinerweiss (1808) and just in time for the weekend we will also have World Cup Weihenstephaner gift sets which include a collectable glass. We are getting the whole line of Shoreline Barrell-aged Beers back in stock. And finally we have recently upgraded our can selection. No word yet on when the chain will begin carrying Sun King.
Rita Kohn's upcoming book, True Brew, is available for pre-order from Amazon.com.
Upcoming Event - THIS WEEKEND:
From Ben at Mad Anthony Serious Homebrewers (MASH):
From Ben at Mad Anthony Serious Homebrewers (MASH):
Botanical Brew & Q in Fort Wayne
The Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory will be holding the annual Brew & Q on June 13th. Some changes to the program, the addition of some demonstrations and a live Best of Show judging will be great improvements to the event. Tickets are only $5 and include sample tickets. I'm not sure what breweries have committed at this point. I'm sure that MABC is involved, though. They're doing the barbecue.
Details: http://www.botanicalconservatory.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=70:botanical-brew-a-q&catid=10:events-a- exhibitions&Itemid=1
This is the first year that the homebrew competition will be sanctioned. Registration ends on May 21st. Judging is June 12th. We will have a strong BJCP judge roster. Entries are $8 for the first entry and $4 for each additional entry. The first entry includes admission to the Conservatory's Brew & Q event on June 13th when winners will be announced and the Best of Show judging will be done as part of the activities.
Judge Registration:
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