Being a beer fan, however, is not. And based on the recent Winterfest, we are not alone. We had 2,800 people attend, which unfortunately was capacity for us. We did have to turn away some walk-up ticket sales. That sucks worse than being a Cubs fan. There was a lot learned from this first Winterfest, some things that need to be addressed. But overall, a great success and a fun time. And next year will be even better. So thanks to all who attended. And a huge thanks to all of my volunteers. You can see pictures from Winterfest here.
It is time for the weekly Random Beer Roundup. Remember, if you have any beer news you want to share, drop us a line at hoosierbeergeek@gmail.com. On with the show...
Beer Events:
From Patrick at Patrick's Kitchen in Zionsville:
Join us for a great evening for beer lovers! Patrick's invites you to our INDIANA BREWS beer tasting, Tuesday, February 17 at 6:30 PM. We will have three appetizers, two entrees, and dessert, all perfectly paired with six Indiana microbrews.From Cari at Kahn's in Indianapolis:
Monday Night Tasting featuring Mishawaka Brewing Company, 5-7 p.m.From John at Big Red Liquors in Bloomington:
Don't forget about our free beer tasting every Thursday from 6-8pm!And mark your calendar for a Beer Geek Breakfast (or Beer Geek BreakFest) at Brugge Brasserie in Indianapolis on Saturday, March 14th. More details to come.
News and Rumors:
Neal at L'Explorator restaurant in Indianapolis announced he is closing on January 31st. What does that mean for the 2009 Indiana Craft Beer and Food Symposium? Good question. We'll let you know as soon as we do.
Check out The Beer Spot for information on the Dogfish Head/Three Floyd's collaboration: Popskull
From Bob at Indiana Beer:
WLFI TV in Lafayette ran a story about 2 bills in the works; Election Day sales and Sunday brewpub growler sales. Even with the hiatus of alcohol laws this year, these may pass. The story has interviews with 4 liquor store managers and Greg Emig (of Lafayette Brewing Company).
Now on the shelf:
Price and availability are subject to change
From Mat at Cavalier Distributing in Indianapolis:
The Winter Beer Fest was CRAZY! What a great turnout! What a great event! Although we ran out of a lot of things (Stone 11th keg blew in less than 2 hours - WOOOOOOOOOO - we really were fortunate that Stone released that keg from their cellar for cold Hoosiers!) I am proud to say that the Cavalier crew did not run out completely. We were pouring beer till they turned off the lights!From Cari at Kahn's in Indianapolis:
Just before the single largest snow fall to hit Indianapolis in the past 13 years fell, an 18 wheeler form Boulder CO made it to our warehouse with the 2009 release of Mojo Risin on it! Look for it in 4 packs, bombers and kegs! See list below for those who pre ordered kegs:
Crown Liquors
Rich O's
Columbus Bar
Patrick's Kitchen
` Black Sparrow
Old Town Ale House
Constant Spring
What a great time to be a HOP Head!!!!! You got your Boulder Mojo Risin, Founders Double Trouble & Hop Slam all available! I heard talk of being able to take the Pepsi challenge between all three at the Old Town Ale House some time soon! Stay tuned for more details on that.
Also on a sad note Breckenridge 471 IPA & ESB prices will be increasing next week. So buy up now! The reality is these Big Breckenridge Beers have been under valued for what they are for quite sometime and this is just market correction. I know reality sucks.
New This Week:From John at Big Red Liquors in Bloomington:
- Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA
- Sierra Nevada ESB
- De Dolle Stille Nacht 2008
- Two Brothers The Bitter End
- Breckenridge Pandora's Bock
- Sierra Nevada Harvest Ale
On Special (begins Monday, February 2):
- Breckenridge Christmas Ale $5.99/6 pack
- A Chouffe Brewery (750 ml) : Mc, Houblon, and La = $6.99, N'Ice = $7.99
- Whitbread English Pale Ale $6.99/6-pack
Here are the latest new items at Big Red Liquors:
Two Brothers Cane & Ebel
Coney Island Blockhead
Sierra Nevada Torpedo
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot
Founder's Double Trouble
Buffalo Bill Blueberry Oatmeal Stout
Magic Hat No. 9
Now on tap:
Price and availability are subject to change
From John at Half Moon Brewery in Kokomo:
The KokoMonster is coming!!!!Patrick at Patrick's Kitchen and Drinks in Zionsville:
Stay tuned to find out when.
WHATEVER WEDNESDAY: we are discounting the heck out of some of our beers on Wednesday, so check us out!Our man on the scene Chris reports on Zing's taps:
Carlow O'hara's Irish Stout
Great Divide Hibernation Ale (A Winter Warmer 6oz. pour)
Bell's HopSlam----------Back for a limited time only!!
Bell's Two-Hearted IPA
Gaffel Kolsch
Tilburg Dutch Brown Ale
Dogfish Head Palo Santo Brown Ale
Avery 14'er ESB Ale
Clipper City Winter Storm Imperial ESB
Boon Framboise Lambic
Bass Pale Ale
Victory Brewing Hop Devil
Clipper City Loose Cannon Hop 3
Looking Glass Cold Hop British Style Ale
Two Bros. Heavy Handed IPA (fresh hops)
Breckenridge 471 IPA (Small Batch)
Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA
Mad River Steelhead Double IPA
Founders Dirty Bastard Scotch Style Ale
Left Hand Milk Stout
Breckenridge Vanilla Porter
Dixie Brewery Blackened Voodoo Lager
Pranqster Belgian Style Golden Ale
Duvel Belgian Golden Ale
Bosteel Tripel Karmeleit
Stella Artois
Boulder Obovoid Empirical Stout (Oak Aged)
Brother Thelonious Belgian Style
Avery Salvation Belgian Style Golden Ale
Stone Brewing Arrogant Bastard Ale
Three Floyds Dreadnaught IPA
Great Divide Hercules Double IPA
Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout
Stone Brewing Smoked Porter
LaChouffe Belgian Blonde
McChouffe Belgian Artisanal Brown Ale
Ommegang Hennepin Saison Farmhouse Ale
Three Floyds Gumball Head Wheat
Celis Belgian White Ale
Blue Moon Belgian Style
Harpoon UFO Hefeweizen
Shock top White Ale
When we were in Zing on Wednesday they had THAT DAY removed Bud Light on draft and replaced it with.....Brugge White! How awesome is that? If every bar in the city did that, we'd be living in a better world.
This is what Zing's got on tap now:
Brugge White
Alpha King
Bell's Best Brown
Blue Moon
Sam Adams Winter Lager
Not too shabby. I just need to convince them that they don't need Blue Moon if they've got Brugge White....