Although we presented you (our readers) with a very short window in which to vote, you turned out, made your voices heard, and demanded results. And here they are.
But first, we offer our thanks to everyone for voting. To the winners, we offer our congratulations. The public has spoken -- and they like you. Keep up the good work. To collect your awards, please leave a comment. If you're extra friendly, I'll order you a sticker or something. Or how about a certificate of achievement? I can do that. You'll have to buy your own frame. Believe it or not, we have even less of a budget than you do.
On with the parade:
1. Demographics
We suspected that most of our readers are from Indianapolis or the areas nearby. But we've also got at least one reader in the Virgin Islands, and a couple in Florida. You're of an average age of 33.29 years, and 19% of you are women. Yay women.
2. Which Indiana brewery is producing your favorite lineup of Indiana beers?
Your Answer:
1. Three Floyds Brewing Company - Munster - 59.8%
2. Brugge Beer and Brasserie - Indianapolis - 12.4%
3. Upland Brewing Company - Bloomington - 8.2%
Our answer: Three Floyds. A lineup that ranges from wild (Dark Lord, Alpha Kong) to mild (Gumballhead, Blackheart English IPA), consistent quality, and a generous dose of hops keep us coming back for more.
3. Which is your favorite Indiana craft beer retailer?
Your Answer:
1. Kahn's Fine Wine and Spirits - Indianapolis - 18.7%
2. (Tie) Crown Liquors - Various locations - 14.3%
2. (Tie) The Hop Shop - Indianapolis - 14.3%
Our answer: No consensus. We all live in different areas of town, which means we all shop different places. But that's a good thing - no matter where you're living in Indianapolis, good beer shouldn't be hard to find. We had votes for Kahn's, Crown, Goose the Market, Stoney's Still, and Parti Pak.
4. Which is your favorite Indiana beer bar?
Your Answer:
1. MacNiven's Restaurant and Bar - Indianapolis - 15.0%
2. Rathskeller - Indianapolis - 13.8%
3. Heorot - Muncie - 12.5%
Honorable mention: J. Gumbo's. Despite the fact that I somehow forgot to put it in the list, J. Gumbo's was just one vote shy of tying The Heorot.
Our answer: Deano's Vino. Despite a widely distributed sample of voting, Deano's Vino came up more than any other establishment. Sure, we'd love to see more taps, but the beer menu is serviceable, the confines are cozy, and (if you catch Nick on Thursday - Saturday) the friendly ribbing of the bartender is top notch. Despite visiting a lot of bars, Deano's always feels like home.
Addition votes for MacNiven's, Shallos, J. Gumbo's, The Heorot, and Rich O's.
5. Which is your favorite Indiana Brewpub?
Your Answer:
1. Brugge Brasserie - Indianapolis - 32.0%
2. Broad Ripple Brewpub - Indianapolis - 13.4%
3. Three Floyds - Munster - 9.3%
Our answer: Brugge Brasserie. A pretty close to perfect brewpub food menu, a friendly staff, fresh Black, White, and Tripel - if they could just get rid of that cantankerous owner/brewer, they'd really have something.
Just kidding - we love you, Crazy Kegs (Ted).
6. Which of the Indiana sister-state breweries (with beer in Indiana) is producing your favorite beer lineup?
Your Answer:
1. Bell's - Michigan - 39.2%
2. Founders - Michigan - 33.0%
3. Goose Island - Illinois - 7.2%
Our answer: In a close race, Founders beat out Goose Island and Bell's by just one vote.
7. Which Hoosier Beer Geek Knight of the Beer Roundtable would you like to buy a beer for first?
Your Answer:
1. You're all a bunch of bums - 54.2%
2. Kelly - 11.5%
3. Gina - 10.4%
Our answer: Everyone. Though Jason voted for himself, Chris voted for Mike, Rod and Jess voted for each other, and Kelly and Matt voted for each other (though Matt only voted for Kelly so he could drink her beer), "Everyone" received the most votes. I'm guessing that'll be hard to collect on.
8. Are you aware of the Hoosier Beer Geek New Year's Party at Deano's Vino on Wednesday, December 31st, at 9PM(ish)? And that (in addition) we're working on a Hoosier Beer Geek Breakfast with Ted at Brugge for sometime in January? Do either of those sound like something you might attend?
Your Answer:
65.7% of you said yes. We'll hold you to your word.
Real nice Jason. I make you Chelada, invite you into my home (my home is actually at work), listen to your mindless drivel, answer your emails, make you feel like you're part of the club by letting you work for free and what do I get? Cantankerous!!! Don't forget irascible and full of myself not to mention childish, vexatious, simple-minded and incompetent. Happy Holidays, Pal. xoxoxoxo, Crazy Kegs
ReplyDeleteRe: Cantankerous
ReplyDeleteThat was me, actually. Though I'm sure Jason would agree.
Cantankerous is a much nicer word than I have used to describle Ole Crazy Kegs.
ReplyDeleteThough I think he's just that way because he needs a big Beer Geek hug. I'm on my way, Ted!
Love your blog, have you commented on any beers from northern Indiana?
ReplyDeleteI recently made it down to Shallos (finally) and I have to say I don't think any of the other beer bars in the city even comes close to them. This is coming from some one with a distinct downtown-northside bias. Their beer selection is even better than the late J. Gumbo's at its best. If you haven't made it there you owe it to yourself to go.
ReplyDeleteBill - we've written about Three Floyds quite a bit, but we're seriously slacking on our coverage of the other folks on Indiana's northern edge - blame it on the fact that we all live in Indy.
ReplyDeleteIndyIndie - glad to hear you enjoyed your time at Shallos - the only reason I don't visit more often is because I feel like I've exhausted the food menu. You've gotta be careful when you're in there, though - make sure you find out how much the beer you're after costs before they open it.