09 September 2008

From the Mailbag - A Question on Glassware

I've got some ideas on this one, but I'm sure I'm missing a few:

Figured since you guys seemed to be the experts1 in the Indianapolis beer scene, you might know the answer to this question. I've been looking around for some different logo'd beer glasses. I'm especially interested in finding tulip glasses or chalice style. I've already tried the Hop Shop but they were currently out of stock. Do you know of any places that carry this type of item?

The first place that came to mind was Parti Pak (2633 E Stop 11 Rd, Indianapolis (317) 889-7452‎ - click here for directions), where at one time you could find a vast array of different styles of beer glasses spread across the tops of the craft beer coolers. Then Parti Pak remodeled - which I think most folks would agree was a good thing (better lighting certainly is a nice addition) - but I have no idea what they did with the glassware. I'm sure it's still there, somewhere.

The second place that came to mind was Kahn's
(5341 N Keystone Ave, Indianapolis (317) 251-9463‎ - click here for directions), which also has a nice selection.

I asked the rest of the Knights and Chris (CorrND) weighed in:
Yeah, Kahn's has a ton of glassware on the ledges that run above all the beer coolers. I bought a Sam Smith imperial pint glass there once and I remember thinking it was surprisingly cheap. Something like $3.
So that's the places we could think of, but I'm willing to bet those aren't the only locations for beer glassware in the city. If any readers have seen glassware for sale around town, drop a comment - let's help Rob out.

* * * * *

1We are not experts.


  1. I really like this website for glassware:


    I would also check out any thrift stores, antique stores etc... and they usually have some glassware.

    Also, the dollar store will usually have several styles for just a buck. I've gotten unmarked tulip glasses, imperial ping glasses, and snifters there.

  2. You might check antique shops and flea markets. I have found some amazingly cool glassware at those.

  3. I recently bought a Chimay chalice and a Duvel tulip at Vine & Table in Carmel. They were about $4 each.

    They also had a smaller unbranded tulip glass.. I think there was a Unibroue glass, and some good looking wheat beer glasses.

  4. Not sure if you tried this, but Crate & Barrel usually has a pretty god selection of glassware.

  5. Big Red in Bloomington, if you find yourself that direction has a glassware selection too...
