25 June 2007

Hoptimus is Prime!

As you can see from Jim and Mike's post, we spent our Saturday afternoon in beer drinking glory, otherwise known as a beer fest. This was the 12th Annual Brew-Ha-Ha, a charity event supporting The Pheonix, a local theatre, and I'm sad to say that this was the first time I had ever attended. We'll, to quote the Governor of California, "I'll be back." It was a great event and we really had a good time.

We even got to hang out with our Online Bretheren of Beer - the guys from Indiana Beer, as you can see of the photo of Bob Ostrander and I (shoplifted from their site). This was at the end of the day, and Bob had just given me a kiss on my cheek. Bob, I know this was an event supporting The Pheonix and all, and I'm totally cool with all that, but we weren't THAT drunk! :)

My only two complaints were already put forth by Jim - New Albanian Brewery left way too early (meaning before I could get back for seconds) and there were only 4 port-o-potties - at a beer fest!! That's a forgiveable sin if it's their first year doing this event, but to be in the 12th year is unacceptable. At that point, I was very thankful I'm a guy and very thankful there were a number of secluded nooks and crannies in the area. But at the end of the day, I survived, and all is well.

My Top 3 list is really the same as Jim's, and in that order. The Hoptimus from New Albanian was the first beer I tried, and I immediately fell in love with it. From the name of the logo, I assume one or two things about the brewers, Jesse & Jim. Either their big dorks like me, or they are in their early thirties and late twenties and are dorks like me. It was a total take, as you can see from the logo in Jim's post, on Optimus Prime of The Transformers. Which I'm so stoked to see next weekend! At any rate, I'm not sure if I was so enormed with the beer because of the taste or the label. I think both. We'll definitely be heading down south to get some more of that!

Now, how many days is it until the Microbrewers Festival????


  1. C'mon, guys. No mention of the sausage balloons?

  2. You might check the main page title, Jim.

  3. I'm still to disturbed by the phallic balloons to mention them. Dammit, Jim, you've made me think of it again!!!

  4. I mentioned the balloon trick to a few other folks yesterday. They wondered whether it might pose a health hazard. Yah think?

  5. International center? Wow. We must be one of a kind.

  6. Yeah, I'm just totally disturbed by any woman - or really any living being for that matter - who can deep throat & swallow a 41" balloon - twice - a live to drink beer & smoke cigarettes.

  7. I can't wait to see the google searches we show up on now.
