Upland Brewing Company | Established 1998
350 West 11th Street, Bloomington, IN
Website: www.uplandbeer.com
Phone: (812) 336-2337

For many of Upland Brewing Company's 13 years, Bloomington has played a vital role in the brewery's success. "With the university being in Bloomington, knowing the type of town it is - they support things, they really give back," said Upland head brewer Caleb Staton. "Sustainability is part of that - knowing that it was produced less than ten feet away from where you're sitting in the restaurant. For many years we could see the biggest part of our market from our rooftop. Now Indianapolis is rapidly growing as well."
Like many professional brewers, Staton's pursuit of a professional career started in homebrewing, but it was in the University of California Davis' five-month five-day-a-week masters brewing program where he honed his skills. "That gave me the knowledge I needed, and then I come here and put boots on and get soakin' wet everyday - that's the hard work aspect to it," he said.

A thirteen year history meant that many of the recipes that Staton brews today are close to those established before he became head brewer but continued growth has meant room for new styles. "Our black IPA - Komodo - was a collaboration of small pilots between all the brewers," he said, "Rad Red was totally my recipe off the fly. Teddy Bear Kisses, Nut Hugger - we just do so many beers now."

Currently the brewery is focusing on brewing more beer, supporting growing from sales of 5,600 barrels in 2009 to somewhere near 8,200 barrels in 2010. A new tank was recently added to support growth to 11,000 barrels, and a building addition in 2011 means that the brewery will have even more room to grow. "We're very committed to staying right here in downtown Bloomington," said Staton, "and growing this brewery here on site."

Upland is teh rulez!